Are we going to die alone or with friends and family at our bedsides? Are we going to Heaven? What is Heaven like? Are we living lives that make us deserving of everlasting eternal bliss? What does that mean?
Wish I knew.
Why is life so uncertain? Why is death unknowable before it happens? Why were we born? Why do we die? If so many of these questions can’t be answered, why are we so inclined to keep asking them?
Here we are, Baby Boomer men, at eternity’s doorstep, uninformed and grasping for certainty that is unattainable.
This is not meant to bum you out. This is meant to make you think. And act.
I know I’m going to die one day. Then what? How will I be remembered? Does that even matter? I could say I want to be remembered a certain way but that’s out of my control.
I created Sammy Sportface to do my part, as unorthodox as it might be, to inspire, educate and amuse the Baby Boomer Brotherhood. Why? Because I wanted to lift my own spirits, be optimistic about the future, and make bigger contributions later in life – now – than I already have. And I want the same for you.
I want you to feel eager to live today and tomorrow and for the next many years assured you will give back to the world more in the future than you ever have in the past. I want you to be convinced your biggest contributions to the world are in front of you. Your life isn’t ending. It’s being launched right now.
I want you to be convinced of this.
Author Profile

Sammy Sportface, a sports blogger, galvanizes, inspires, and amuses The Baby Boomer Brotherhood. And you can learn about his vision and join this group's Facebook page here:
Sammy Sportface Has a Vision -- Check It Out
Sammy Sportface -- The Baby Boomer Brotherhood Blog -- Facebook Page
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