–NGSC Sports is an internet sports media company. We have a combination of writers working together to bring a mixture of unique sports and business content to the internet on our website, www.ngscsports.com.
Over the years, we have built a niche of our own in the industry and it has helped our traffic grow tremendously. We use our website to attract interns from colleges across America so that they can share their content and build their portfolios.
We have also used our traffic to help other websites bring an audience to their sites by using their logo with a hyperlink to their website.
We have a stable of clients at NGSC Sports that bring their content with links that allows them to promote their client products, services, and websites. We can take your links and post them into our existing articles for quick exposure you take advantage of. We have single-use offers as well as packages that can help you with that.
Contact Information:
Ralph Garcia – CEO/Managing Editor [email protected], 615-596-6155
John Doucette- COO [email protected] 978-788-4706
Bradley Walker- VP of Operations [email protected] 727-742-1103
Sponsored Posts and Link Insertions
At NGSC Sports, we pride ourselves on being able to provide our clients with more exposure to their content. Our vast audience loves to engage in a variety of different sources of information and content. We will gladly provide you with a source to post your client’s links on our site. We require at least 400 words and no adult/porn content.
Prices are as follows. Bulk orders can get a discount price depending on the number of articles to be posted. We can negotiate with you if need be.
Normal post price? $35-$40
Crypto post price? $40-$45
CBD post price? $50-$55
Casino, Gambling post price? $50-$60
Existing post link price? $30-$35
Ad Banners range from $90-$125 per month