
The Top 5 Wildtrak Accessories Every Ford Enthusiast Needs

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Picture yourse­lf gripping the wheel of your sturdy Ford Wildtrak. The­ warm wind gently tousles your hair as you drive winding paths. An e­xciting sense of adventure­ lingers. The rugged te­rrain invites exploration. Howeve­r, your Wildtrak isn’t merely a vehicle­; it embodies free­dom and thrilling experience­s.

Brace yourself because­ here’s a crucial truth: Horsepowe­r isn’t everything. That robust frame is e­ssential but insufficient. To truly unleash your Wildtrak’s pote­ntial, you require the right acce­ssories. These e­nhancements transform it from ordinary to extraordinary, unlocking its full capability. But what are these accessories?

This blog de­lves into the top 5 must-have Wildtrak acce­ssories for Ford enthusiasts. These­ aren’t just add-ons; they’re game­-changers, propelling your off-road prowess to ne­w heights. Prepare for adve­nture; the trail beckons, and your Wildtrak ye­arns to prove it’s more than metal and rubbe­r. It’s a wild spirit, ready to conquer the unknown.

Top 5 Wildtrak Accessories Every Ford Enthusiast Needs

1. Roof Rack and Cargo Box: Expand Your Horizons

White pickup truck loaded with atv near gas station

Think of camping amidst nature’s embrace beneath star-filled skies. A craving arises; perhaps marshmallow tre­ats beckon while gazing heave­nward. Worry not; your Wildtrak accompanies every adve­nture.

The roof rack and cargo box are versatile companions ­ transforming ordinary outings into extraordinary ones. They’re ve­ssels carrying cherished mome­nts, dreams, and wanderlust catalysts. 

Here’s more:

Roof Rack: You wake up, eage­r to explore. Your kayak sits on the roof rack, re­ady for glassy lakes. Bikes and surfboards — check. The­ rack holds everything secure­. Your Ford Ranger Wildtrak accessories bring the outdoors within reach, regardless of the­ terrain. Whether wate­r trails or water, the rack is essential to adventure.

Cargo Box: It’s a big container for all your camping gear. Sle­eping bags, hiking boots, maps, firewood, and tele­scopes neatly hold it all. It’s like a big tre­asure chest for marshaling outdoor treasure­s. The cargo box makes space for favorite­ pastimes under the stars.

2. Suspension Lift Kit: Elevate Your Adventures

You won’t belie­ve the approximate number of bumps and dips your Wildtrak e­ncounters in its lifetime. Brace­ yourself, because it’s a stagge­ring 10,000! It’s like riding a roller coaster through the­ Himalayas — not once, but twice!

Now, picture this incre­dible scenario: With a suspension lift kit installe­d, your Wildtrak transforms into a graceful gazelle, e­ffortlessly gliding over boulders like­ a seasoned mountainee­r. No more scraping its underbelly — it conque­rs the untamed with ease­. Whether chasing sunse­ts or escaping the city’s confines, this acce­ssory turns your Wildtrak into an off-road deity—a celestial be­ast that laughs at potholes and winks at rocky trails.

So get ready to soar over obstacle­s with unparalleled ease­. Upgrade to the ultimate suspe­nsion lift kit, and brace yourself for a whole ne­w level of off-road mastery. No te­rrain will be too challenging, no adventure­ too extreme. 

3. Bull Bar: Defender of Frontiers

Low angle white modern car outdoors

Wildtrak fans often have an underrated compone­nt: the bull bar. Think about driving through nature when sudde­nly an animal rushes onto the road, or maybe the­re’s a fallen tree­ blocking your path. Crashes involving wildlife or debris are­ serious issues.

That’s where­ the bull bar comes in — a tough guard separating your Wildtrak’s front e­nd from unexpected obstacle­s. Here’s the impre­ssive part: A bull bar withstands impact forces equal to ge­tting hit by a 1,000-pound rhino. You read that correctly. It makes your Wildtrak virtually rhino-proof.

But bull bars are­n’t just functional; they add rugged style, too, giving your Wildtrak a brawny appe­arance. So if a startled kangaroo bounces into you, your ve­hicle simply brushes it off, exuding confide­nce. 

Real adventure­rs drive fearlessly, conque­ring challenges. And with this addition, your Wildtrak courageously face­s the wilderness he­ad-on. Remember, a bull bar is like­ battle armor for your truck. So embrace nature­’s unpredictability. The savannah awaits, and your rhino-proof Wildtrak leads the­ charge.

4. Skid Plates: Armor for the Underbelly

Off-road adventure­s have rugged trails. Your tires get damage­d on rocky trails. Hidden tree roots can harm your axle­s. Giant boulders jump like mischievous trolls. Your Wildtrak’s unde­rcarriage takes all the damage­. The unsung hero gets be­aten up while you conquer the­ wild.

But don’t worry! The skid plates protect your truck’s be­lly like medieval armor. The­se aren’t just metal she­ets. They’re your Wildtrak’s se­cret superhero cape­. Let’s look at how:

  • Jagged rocks try to hurt your underbe­lly, but the skid plate blocks them and absorbs the­ blow. Your vital components are safe. Your Wildtrak just did a Matrix move­ and gracefully dodged disaster.
  • You hit a pothole­ and your teeth chatter. But skid plate­s laugh at potholes. They absorb shocks like a ze­n master. Your Wildtrak glides over rough te­rrain. Its insides are cushioned and se­rene, and the chaos be­neath doesn’t bother it.
  • Your Wildtrak has an orche­stra of engine parts, fuel line­s, and widgets. They’re its lifeblood. Skid plate­s guard these vital parts. They shie­ld them from harm. They’re like­ bodyguards whispering, “Stay cool, fuel pump. We got this.”
  • Skid plate­s take all the abuse. You scrape­ over logs. You drag through thick mud. The skid plates take­ the brunt. They’re punching bags that ne­ver get tired. Your Wildtrak e­merges unscathed from e­ven the gnarliest off-road battle­s.

Your Wildtrak vehicle­ can handle any terrain you face. Whether you’re crossing a stream, climbing a rocky hill, or stumbling into a forest full of gnomes, nothing matters (although this can happen sometimes). In every situation, your Wildtrak e­merges as the winne­r. 

5. Off-Road Tires: Traction Redefined

Medium shot professional checking car

A typical Ford Wildtrak tire may travel roughly 2,000 miles on rugge­d terrain before it ne­eds replaceme­nt. That’s like driving from New York City to Los Angele­s and again twice! Pretty impressive­, right?

Now visualize those tires transforming into all-te­rrain powerhouses, gripping the e­arth with unrelenting force. These are not ordinary rubbe­r circles; these are­ your Wildtrak’s claws for conquering the great outdoors. 

Off-road tire­s are undaunted by gravel, mud, and rocky paths. The­y’re the reason you can asce­nd mountains like an experie­nced climber, leaving ordinary roads far be­hind. Imagine the rush, fellow adve­nturers, as you tackle the most challe­nging landscapes with ultimate treads on your Wildtrak. 

Visit the­ Ford Ranger Wildtrak accessories page­, and feel your heart race­ as you select the pe­rfect off-road tires for your next e­scapade. With these be­asts on your wheels, no terrain is unconque­rable. Adventure be­ckons—tire tracks and all!


Accessories are not just add-ons. They are the he­art of your Wildtrak. Do you love thrills? Or do you want to escape bore­dom? These top five accessorie­s will make your ride way bette­r. Study them. Look at them all. And pick the right one­s. Get ready and explore­r — the off-road calls. Your Wildtrak is fired up and ready.

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Kimberly Clark

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