We need to get our minds right heading into this Wake Forest football season. This means all of us should read the following books before Week 1 kickoff.
Start with Jonathan Living Seagull because it’s like 27 pages. A short read will get you warmed up and feeling jazzed about reading. The book is about some birds flying around and I don’t remember what else happened and not much could have because the book ended so fast.
But the takeaway for us is to feel as if we’re seagulls in flight just having a nice time not too worried about winning and losing. Seagulls don’t let that kind of stuff get to them.
Catch 22 is the second must-read for a whole lot of reasons that we don’t have time to elaborate on here. The key reason to read this one is it’s about craziness and unpredictability and wanting things that don’t come easily and that, I think, is what we will be experiencing throughout the season.
The Blue Ocean Strategy is the third book you’ll find relevant to Wake Forest football. This strategy is all about being so different in how you conduct business that you don’t even have competitors. You’re out there alone swimming smoothly and freely in the blue ocean doing things so far removed from the mainstream, that you’re actually shrewd.
Our blue ocean strategy is the delayed run-pass option mesh – and maybe this Fall there will be a new wrinkle on this that keeps us out there in the beautiful blue waters instead of the red waters where competition is fierce.
I will recommend here, as the fourth book, a classic written by F. Scott Fitzgerald titled This Side of Paradise. The book is all about the author’s real experiences as an undergraduate at Princeton University. He just didn’t like it there, not the people, not the classes, none of it. He was not in paradise; he was at Princeton.
I recommend this book because you’ll be amazed at how bad an experience one man had in college and how grateful you are not to have been that person because you went to Wake Forest.
It’s heartening to read about someone’s bad experience because it reminds us that everyone suffers and we’re lucky to be alive and able to go to Wake football tailgates and watch the team play under the lights and sunshine for several weeks each Fall.
The fifth and most powerful book to read before kickoff is Start With Why by Simon Sinek. He gave a popular Ted Talk about this explaining that people don’t care what you do or how you do it before you tell them why you do it.
Our “why” is we root for Wake Forest football because we love what the university and football program stands for. The joy we’ve experienced and the friends we’ve made going to games.
Our why is these football games make us feel connected to each other rooting for a team we’re proud of and believe in. Our why is Wake Forest football is fun and fulfilling.
Wake Forest football is our why, and our what, and our how.
Any books you think we should read before the season begins?
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Sammy Sportface, a sports blogger, galvanizes, inspires, and amuses The Baby Boomer Brotherhood. And you can learn about his vision and join this group's Facebook page here:
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