Oozing with optimism, channeling all I’ve gleaned listening to the rack of Tony Robbins tapes, I’m headed up to Winston-Salem tomorrow to roam around the Wake Forest campus for 6 or 7 hours before rambling over to watch the Rajin’ Cajuns rage against the Rajin Deacons.
While on campus I’ll stop by the Deacon shop and buy another #11 Riley Skinner, a Winner jersey. I keep buying them and busting out of them because fast food makes me gain weight and I lack self discipline to eat less Bojangles mashed potatoes w/sausage gravy. While on the Quad I’ll genuflect in front of Wait Chapel, close my eyes, and pray with zeal and desperation to St. Money that Wake’s collective will balloon so we can entice five-star football stars to join our team and lead us all to a party celebrating the university’s first national championship ever in football.
I’ll strut over to Kitchen Dorm where I spent four years of my life feeling it was too hot in the kitchen, wondering if I would stand on the Quad on graduation day in four years – on time.
It didn’t seem possible every one of those days on campus from 1981 through 1985. A D in a Film Class junior year really put me behind the Quad, having to take the class again senior year to walk in the black gown with Pistol, Arnold, Jug, Mac, and Razzor.
Got the C I needed augmented by the D that was crucial in Organismic Biology (phylum Chordata, etc.) to walk up the stage and grab my diploma, walk off the stage to face the real world that hasn’t been nearly as friendly as I thought it was going to be.
But who cares about any of that with artificial intelligence soon to have an IQ of 2000? If there’s anything I’m good at, it’s looking forward.
Tomorrow there’s a football game that if Wake wins they will still be mathematically not yet eliminated to be chosen as one of the 12 teams selected for the College Football Playoff. A loss cements that not happening. The stakes tomorrow couldn’t be higher than the Dixie Classic Fairgrounds Ferris wheel.
It’s time to ditch all the negativity y’all been spewing my way, bringing me down, darkening my kaleidoscope. It’s time to look forward with eager trepidation and audacious apprehension. We need a mindset shift. We need to pivot. We need to extricate ourselves – with a forklift if need be – out of this early-season football funk.
Snap out of it, sulkers.
Rally around the Rajin’ Deacons.
This is our time. Sure we got blown to smithereens by Ole Miss, but that doesn’t mean we are going to lose every game the rest of the season.
Think positively for once.
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Sammy Sportface, a sports blogger, galvanizes, inspires, and amuses The Baby Boomer Brotherhood. And you can learn about his vision and join this group's Facebook page here:
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