You may be wondering if this is going to be another blog in which Sammy Sportface bickers with ChatGPT. The answer is yes if you believe this was written by Sportface. But if you suspect ChatGPT wrote this I can’t tell you what it was thinking or whether any of this is true. Let’s proceed […]
I’m struggling, ChatGPT, trying to figure out what I should do about the Sammy Sportface blog and brand heading into 2024. I don’t know if what I’m doing is resonating. I’m thinking I need to pivot, re-think this whole enterprise, give it a freshness, maybe start over or jump in a lake. I’m fearful it’s […]
‘Tis the season for reflection on the mind-bending year that is almost cooked, 2023, unpacking what it all meant, pinpointing who really made a mark, and who regressed, and who got wise and joined the Baby Boomer Brotherhood, and who lost their way, got disenchanted and turned away from it vowing never to engage with […]
You may not know it yet. But your daily life is about to change – soon. Your world. My world. The lives of your kids. A technological thunderbolt has struck. Introducing ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer), a chatbot language model powered by machine learning technology that thinks much faster than people can. Within the application […]