You and your spouse’s favorite conversation is what grab bars to install in the shower so you can hold on and not fall and break your hip or tear your anterior cruciate ligament.
You send emails and follow-up emails for more clarifications to your colonoscopist asking about the biological nuances, textures, and colors of polyps and what foods to stop eating to cut the polyp count.
You get asked in casual conversations if you’re still working.
You start to understand the not so widely understood differences between Tylenol Extra Strength and Ibuprofen for easing the daily muscle soreness in your thighs, calves, knees, and hips. You read the labels to figure out which one will ease the pain the fastest and most effectively.
You crawl into bed at 7 pm telling yourself you’re going to read for a few hours then fall asleep after two pages and don’t wake up until 12 hours later.
You marvel at the wisdom – and mention it to anyone who will listen – of having your master bedroom on the first floor of your house and having the washer and dryer across the hall on the same floor.
You hesitate to call your kids at work because you know they’re busy and don’t need to be disrupted by your call just to say hello.
You think about your blood circulation several times a day and start getting up from your chair and going for quick walks down the street, which starts to make the neighbors wonder about you.
You send your doctor a blog about the benefits of sleep apnea in order to derive amusement and laughs rather than ponder why you have to use a machine to keep breathing at night.
You go to work and realize that everyone you interact with all day long is younger than you – invariably by 25 years at least.
You write blogs and they often start with words such as “45 years ago” or “55 years ago.”
You tell people when they ask how long you’ve been married that it’s been “100 years.” It’s easier to remember than the actual years.
You hesitate to share a joke with people at work fearing it won’t land because it’s from an era and decade long ago that no one around you can relate to because they weren’t born then and didn’t actually arrive in the world until 25 years later.
Your boyhood friends send you pictures of their new grandkids.
You have to roll over into the sand to get out of a beach chair because it’s impossible to do so the normal way.
You have to wrestle the side of a boat to get into it from the water because you lack the coordination to use the boat’s ladder for assistance. You finally get in with your face planted against the boat floor littered with beer cans and foot smudge and you don’t even care about the personal hygiene misadventures.
You hear from your friends about them getting their second knee replacements.
You start a blog for 55-75-year-old Baby Boomer Brothers, and the comments coming in start to be more often from guys in their late sixties and early seventies.
You go to the beach in the summer and think about how beautiful it all looks in a way you never contemplated as a kid.
You start doing things at a frenetic and some would say irrational pace that you always wanted to because you don’t know how much longer you have.
Author Profile

Sammy Sportface, a sports blogger, galvanizes, inspires, and amuses The Baby Boomer Brotherhood. And you can learn about his vision and join this group's Facebook page here:
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