What if the Skins win this week then next and next and Dickie Wolfe and Sportface meet at the Super Bowl and unpack the impact that AI will have on mankind over the next five decades?
What if Rudy says he’s going to join us for this event then doesn’t show up? Will anyone be surprised?
What if AI automates so much that we end up needing to work only 10 hours a week? What will we do with our free time? How will we waste it? I know what I will do: drive 567 miles every Sunday to have brunch with Spoog at Columbia Country Club and talk about why Rudy choked the 8th-grade city title game away that we should have won had he not lost control of his emotions and Spoog had become more assertive offensively to help me carry the scoring load because Rudy was out of sorts.
What if fifty years from now we find ourselves deceased but all together again out at the Tiki Bar in Bethany Beach after docking Whit’s boat? Will things be the same or similar or will that Tiki Bar no longer be part of our consciousness?
Will Dewey Beach still be open? How often will we go there and will Whit drive his boat there? Will he bring his pack of cigs?
What if AI develops a conscious and self-interests and can reason all on its own? Will human reason be needed anymore? Given that AI can process information 120 million times faster than a human brain, what will be those tasks the human brain will be needed for? Licking popsicles? Will our emotions, empathy, and personal experiences be our one differentiator against the avalanche of AI, and how long will it be before AI can get emotional and empathetic and know everything about everyone and therefore make people less relevant?
How many times is Sammy Sportface going to ask this question in a blog without getting anyone to answer him?
What if we find out in the afterlife that Sammy Sportface continues to write blogs there and sends people texts of his latest posts? What if this continues to happen and there’s an uproar in the Heavens with riots in the streets and signs that read “no more Sportface, no more Sportface.” What if texting isn’t a thing in the afterlife? How will we know what Sportface is up to?
What if Idea Man stops feeding Sportface ideas? Will Sportface run dry and not have anything else to blog about and stop doing it, or will he blog about nothing like he is in this blog and keep people wondering why he keeps doing it?
What if Sportface rises to fame and fortune and starts making regular Ted Talks about the Baby Boomer Brotherhood? Will any members of the Brotherhood attend those Ted Talks or, if busy, will they listen to them while driving to work or walking around their neighborhoods? What if they do listen and say to themselves: “Sportface keeps repeating himself. He needs new material or I’m out”? What if that happens, Holmes?
What if 10,000 years from now…ah forget it. 10K years out is too blurry.
What if seven years from when Sportface returns for the 50th anniversary of his high school graduation Rudy stands up during the ceremony and proclaims “Sportface needs to be the St. John’s Hall of Fame. It’s a crime he isn’t in already”? What if everybody at the ceremony stands up in unison and starts chanting “Sportface, Sportface, Sportface”?
What if none of this happens and no one even knows? Will Sportface post a blog about it anyway?
Author Profile

Sammy Sportface, a sports blogger, galvanizes, inspires, and amuses The Baby Boomer Brotherhood. And you can learn about his vision and join this group's Facebook page here:
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Sammy Sportface -- The Baby Boomer Brotherhood Blog -- Facebook Page
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