The entire population of the East Coast of the United States converged in an endless line to get into the July 4th rock-the-house outdoor concert by Love Seed Mama Jump Band, which happened at the rousing Rusty Rudder less than a mediocre frisbee throw away from the night-glistening Rehoboth Bay in Rehoboth Beach, DE.
The line was so long I wanted to turn around and go to bed. But my enterprising niece with me knew a distant cousin who was 10th in line so we skipped ahead of thousands of people to get to slot 10. Minutes later I shoved my way through the crowd of people who, on average, were 35-38 years younger than me, a truth that curiously didn’t make me feel out of place.
To lather up the crowd, the warm-up DJ blared Darius Rucker’s “Wagon Wheel” as the packed-into-no-open-space crowd sang along and I made my way to a one-foot-by-one-foot slot next to the sound engineers who looked at me as if I didn’t understand technology. There they were, the dominators of all things Dewey Beach, the lead singer rocking America flag shorts and his customary bald head, the drummer, three guitarists, and a guy who pounds the bongos or whatever like he’s mad at them.
Then it happened. The band started playing one of the greatest songs in the history of music, “Mr. Brightside,” by the Killers. I knew I had made a sound decision paying an Uber $39 to drive me and my niece and her friend two miles to drop us off at the show because there were no open parking places in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, and Rhode Island sized swaths of upstate New York.
There’s something that happens to me emotionally — think ecstasy — when I hear this band play the Killers. Last summer they opened with “All These Things I’ve Done” and I haven’t stopped obsessing about that ever since and wrote a few blogs about it you may remember reading.
Last night it would have been too wishful to hope the Love Seeders would crank out another killer Killers musical masterpiece, but they did because they’re Love Seeders Mama Jump, which means their credo is to give the audience members what they want.
During “Mr. Brightside” the body-to-body-to-body-to-body crowd howled the words and so did I. I thought about being 61 years old and how great that is in its own way that’s hard to describe and even harder for younger people to relate to. I thought about the soothing presence of Rehoboth Bay no more than 50 feet from where the band made all of Dewey Beach shake and detonate as if tectonic plates were moving around without discretion nor a care in the world, geological and physical rules not enforced anywhere this holiday night.
I thought about all those people singing together as one chorus, as happy as any group of people could ever be.
This was a rock concert and the band was killing the Killers with “Mr. Brightside.”
I felt certain that everyone else there had turned into Mr. Brightside.
And so did I.
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Sammy Sportface, a sports blogger, galvanizes, inspires, and amuses The Baby Boomer Brotherhood. And you can learn about his vision and join this group's Facebook page here:
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