Being a Baby Boomer Brother, you need to start thinking about saving money for retirement and 2022 is the time to make this happen in a big way. In the coming year, you should make the following financial moves to set yourself up for a comfortable and prosperous old age.
One: Rob a bank. That’s where the money is. Hold up a teller, tell them to give you all the money the bank has, and put it in a duffel bag. Once you have the bag, carry it out to the front of the bank and plop it down in your wheel barrel. Walk the wheel barrel down the street to your car. Put the bag in the car after taking out $20.
Go to Bojangles and order three helpings of biscuits with sausage gravy. Tell them to add a double dose of gravy to each helping. To wash it all down, go with three large chicken breasts, extra spicey, and three large cups of Cheerwine. Drive home and put the rest of the money under your mattress.
Two: Get into the industrial warehousing real estate business. It’s the hottest segment in this tumultuous market right now and here’s why.
Covid hit which disrupted supply chains globally leaving ships with cargo waiting in line in oceans to dump their goods in a limited number of containers at shipping ports. All shipping of products from around the world has gotten clogged up like your shower drain when you need Drano.
The slowdown means it’s become tougher for businesses to get their products to customers as fast as they want them. So businesses are setting up industrial warehouses to store and then ship their products to local markets. Amazon is making trillions using this business model.
The amount of available industrial warehousing space is rapidly deteriorating because so many businesses are renting the space. More demand for space spells higher rents. Now is the time to invest in building, owning, and renting more industrial warehousing space because this market will continue to explode over the next three to five years. And don’t listen to all your commercial real estate hotshot/arrogant phonies who say this trend has been going on for several years and you’re late to the game. That’s bull. The trend is hot now. Invest now.
Three: Pour money into the college sports transfer portal business. There will be all sorts of businesses sprouting up to support this phenomenon such as transfer portal airlines, transfer portal fast-food chains, transfer portal magazines, transfer portal websites, transfer portal apparel, transfer portal marriages, and transfer portal psychological services.
You may want to start a business yourself called Exploitingthetransferportaltrend.com.
You also want to invest in businesses that provide emotional counseling to college football coaches who, because of the transfer portal, are going to become less powerful, wealthy, and relevant. The coaches will be spending millions of dollars for psychiatric services to cope with the downfall of their positions in society.
Take these three actions right now and you’ll feel more financially secure, socially aware, opportunistic, and liberated from conventional norms. Building on these three moves, next year you’ll also want to break all the rules you’ve ever learned about business, etiquette, social climbing, decorum, and interpersonal relationships. This will lead you to long-lasting financial security.
Author Profile

Sammy Sportface, a sports blogger, galvanizes, inspires, and amuses The Baby Boomer Brotherhood. And you can learn about his vision and join this group's Facebook page here:
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