After Sammy Sportface spent weeks hyping the Rudy Crooze in the Bethany Virgin Islands, he announced today he’s blowing off the overrated and poorly attended event because he’s rushing back to North Carolina to write blogs about what’s going on at the Wake Forest football summer practices.
“Tell you one thing, they better not go four and eight again this season – what a woeful campaign that was,” said Sportface. “Wake better be in the 12-team national playoff round and make it to the final game against Georgia or the whole season will be a bust in my view. Or at least have Bojangles Chicken at all tailgates and Dippin’ Dots available during half-time shows. And the caramel corn better be hot and come in the big bags.”
Wake kept losing last Fall in ways so dismaying it was dizzying. It was a vicious cycle of cataclysms, a Fall to forget for Wake Forest football and, by extension, the globally connected and increasingly influential Sammy Sportface Baby Boomer Brotherhood.
This season Sportface expects more pressure to be applied to Wake alumni to donate more money to get better players.
“The money issue will become even more salient this season as the Deacs continue to battle against teams with more NIL bank,” said Sportface. “As a side hustle, I’m leasing commercial real estate office space across the greater Charlotte area to make more money – with the help of Hanby — so I can donate to the football program.
“There is nothing more important to me than Wake Forest becoming a national football powerhouse because that would mean more clicks for Sportface. More clicks mean more bank which I would then donate to the Wake program under one condition: that the bank must be used to entice more five stars from South Florida, Texas, Western Pennsylvania, and downtown Washington, D.C. to join the program.”
Author Profile

Sammy Sportface, a sports blogger, galvanizes, inspires, and amuses The Baby Boomer Brotherhood. And you can learn about his vision and join this group's Facebook page here:
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