As a participant in next month’s Rally on the Chesapeake, you’ll be able to attend a wide assortment of educational exhibits.
In the basement of Brad’s house, Sammy Sportface will hold a session on the transgender movement. Sign-up early — the room is nearly sold out already. Sportface will open with a few high-level remarks then open the floor to questions and/or comments.
You’ll also want to sign up for the nude room demonstrations in the master bedroom. There you’ll be able to see a glorious assortment of azalea genitalia featuring Chris Goulian. Will Reynolds will display his mammoth left testicle.
Out on the boat dock, Brad will give you a live demo of how crabs mate, and then you will be encouraged to simulate crab mating with others in attendance. There will be plenty of room on the dock for these ad hoc simulations.
Nearby on the dock, you’ll be able to see real-live waterboarding of John Duffy, who rooted for Pitt against Wake Forest in the ACC title game.
In Brad’s office, Mike German will be selling copies of his books, as well as Sportface’s Hit Upon God. As you browse the books German will show videos of him being interviewed by MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann along with a one-hour documentary about the downfall of the FBI.
Throughout the weekend in the den, Ripley will be holding psychotherapy sessions. Sign up early. Time slots are filling up fast. Sportface already booked 9-to-3 on Saturday.
And finally, scattered all around Brad’s dinner table you’ll be able to see Sportface’s trophies including one gigantic one from his standout performance in the McDonald’s Capital Classic.
Author Profile

Sammy Sportface, a sports blogger, galvanizes, inspires, and amuses The Baby Boomer Brotherhood. And you can learn about his vision and join this group's Facebook page here:
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