We’ve probably all heard the saying, “Common Sense is not all that Common”. Everyone thinks this applies to the world around them, and no one believes it’s about them. Yet, in all honesty, it applies to all of us in one way or another. Common sense is actually a subjective measure. It’s really a matter of circumstance and experience, more than any kind of measure of overall intelligence. What may seem like common sense to a rancher in Montana may be a measure of someone else’s ignorance on the subject. What someone considers “common sense” is not necessarily universal, it’s much more localized. What is universal is Ignorance, we all share it to various degrees.
However, what should be “common sense” to all of us is that the “agenda” of the Rich is far different than the “needs” of the rest of us. Although we don’t all share common political opinions with regards to current social topics, we need to find a common ground to take back the “power of the people” from the corrupt politicians and their financial supporters. There will always be far right, and far left, political ideologies that the majority of us can’t support, but the middle ground between conservatives and liberals needs to become a Unifying Agenda. We are the true majority of voters in America, but this will take compromise and an acceptance of our differences.
Thomas Paine wrote his paper “Common Sense” in January 1776, advocating for the break from Great Britain, and for the establishment of an independent America. This document was a guiding platform for a new form of government, one of self-governance. The concept of a government Of the people, By the people, For the people was one of the first seeds of democracy in America. It took a war against Great Britain, the First American Revolutionary War, to win American independence. The Declaration of Independence was the founding document to the formation of an independent America. The US Constitution was the document establishing and outlining our new form of self-governance.
These two documents are our reset point, the point from which our nation can start over. Any American revolution needs to be built around the principles outlined in these documents. We can’t throw out what was gifted to us by the blood and sacrifices of the very first Americans. This has already been tested, and decided, by the American Civil War. Our country remained the “United States”, and therefore remained governed by our founding documents. But the “civil war” has never really ended. We have always been a divided country by the division of wealth and privilege, over poverty and oppression.
The Rich have been waging a war on the masses for far too long. It’s time for another American Revolution. Not a war against one another, rather a “Tug of War”, the Rich vs the rest of us. The rope is the founding American Documents. The first step in this revolution has to be the rejection of social divisions. The Rich have exploited the rest of us to keep us divided. It’s time to put our differences aside and work as one America to defeat the tyrannical ruling class, once again. The French Revolution has demonstrated that a population united against the ruling class can be successful. We don’t need to necessarily go as far as the French did to purge their oppressors, but we do need to be willing to.
The second step is to define “Rich”, and “the rest of us”. Simply having wealth doesn’t exclude you from being part of “the rest of us”. The measure is how you obtained your wealth, and what you do with it. The Rich are the Oppressors of the “rest of us”, economically and/or politically. The division of America into a “two party” political system funded by corruption, is not only contrary to our founding principles, it also ensures the Rich maintain their hold on economic and political power over “the rest of us”.
The government that was designed to be “of the People, by the People, for the People” has become a government “of the Rich, by the Rich, for the Rich”. Read that AGAIN, a Government that was designed to be “OF the people, BY the people, FOR the people” has become a government “OF the Rich, BY the Rich, FOR the Rich.” Don’t you get it? We have allowed a few Rich people to rule over the “rest of us”, the People. That means We, the majority voter, just have to overthrow a few Rich people, for the sake of the “rest of us”, the People.
That can’t be any more evident than the Oligarchy currently taking over our government. An “Oligarchy” is composed of the largest private owners of resources in the country, and are generally billionaires. They possess economic and political power to influence legislation for their own interests. All one has to do is to look at the people the new administration intends to put in place to run this country to see that our “Peoples” government has been hijacked by the Uber Rich.
However, it’s not just the Uber Rich ruling class that holds political and economic power over the people. It also extends to the corporations that exploit the people for the sake of maximum profits. Who, ironically, are run by the Uber Rich. Like WTF is wrong with the “rest of us”? Why haven’t We, the majority of voters, figured this out by now and taken back our government from a few Rich people and their “two party’ system of exploitation? If your first thought to that question is, “Because it’s not profitable.” You’re probably not like the “rest of us.” So, on behalf of the “rest of us” GFYS.
Many people misunderstand the difference between a political system, and an economic system. Politically, America is a Constitutional Republic based on democratic principles. Economically, the American business environment is based on Capitalism principles. The truth is, we neither have a true politically democratic system of government, nor do we have a laissez faire (free to do) capitalist economy. Rather, like it or not, politically we actually function as a social democracy, with a regulated capitalist styled economy. Neither, however, is the problem. The problem is the “rest of us” have allowed a few Rich people to corrupt our government, and our economy.
It appears that the Republican Party, known to many of us now as the MAGA Party, has actually become the Oligarchy Party. The party leaders have embraced misinformation, conspiracy theories and outright lies perpetrated by media outlets and social media platforms to manipulate their voters. This has nothing to do with Republican vs Democratic voters, and everything to do with the Rich dividing the masses. Both parties are guilty of manipulating their supporters, and both parties seek power and wealth. What is needed is a viable third party, one that can compete against the two well established parties.
Currently, California has a third party known as the “Common Sense Party”. This is a party organized in California, for a fight for leadership in California alone. We need to expand a party such as this to the national level. This will take time, and certainly a lot of money, to be able to compete politically at a national level. However, there is no other way in the American system to successfully and effectively revolt than by winning elections. It starts with a threefold approach, through local/community elections, and spreads to state elections, and finally large enough to compete at the federal level. Much in the way the first Americans united against their oppressors.
The platform needs to be threefold as well. What are we trying to achieve on the local/community level, an individual state level, and on the federal level? To stress once again, step one is to abolish social divisions amongst “the rest of us”. Which means, we have to accept the fact that what is common sense is localized. What a county in Maine decides to do, has nothing to do with a county in Texas. We have to accept our differences, for the greater good of the “rest of us” over the Rich. The fact that one state is seen as “ Red”, and another seen as “Blue”, is only relevant in a two party system.
So many of us see the absolute need to reject the two party system and establish a true third party. One viable enough to compete, and defeat, the two main parties. We also understand that this will take time, effort, and financial resources. However, we have to start somewhere, or else we aren’t starting at all. Boycotts and rallies against the Rich and the establishment draw attention to the problem, but won’t change the situation. Only a break from the two parties will allow us to take back Our government.
The Rich will remain rich, they own everything. But, they shouldn’t be allowed to own our elected officials. We need to purge our country. The first step in the right direction is for each of us to drop our registered affiliations. The least you can do is to drop the Republican or Democratic Party and register yourself as an Independent voter. Send a message to the status quo that we can’t be bought any longer, our vote is our power over the Rich.
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