It’s that time again for another celebrity pro golfers charity match. This will be the third one. The first one was just between Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson. Mickelson won that event and took many of his 10 million dollar purse to charity. These two were big rivals during their prime. Golf has not had […]
5 Best Quarterbacks of The Last Decade in The NFL It is a truth universally acknowledged that most NFL teams live and die on the shoulders of their starting quarterbacks. Occasionally a devastating defense will lead a team all the way to Super Bowl glory, but those seasons are few and far between. Just […]
The National Football League is the richest sports league in the world. Ranking above the likes of the NBA and English Premier League, the NFL generates an incredible amount of money each year – helped significantly by the global appeal of the annual Super Bowl. With so much cash flying around in the league, it’s […]
The golf world is being turned upside down in a good way. During Match Two with Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson, Peyton Manning, and Tom Brady they were all wearing microphones. It was great to be able to hear their reactions and they heckling each other. Many of us golf fans are always wondering what the […]
You have to go back to the signing of Peyton Manning in 2012 to find a legitimate starting quarterback for the Denver Broncos. Of course, Peyton isn’t just legitimate. He’s one of the greatest QBs to ever play in the NFL. Since the Broncos’ Super Bowl 50 Championship in their 2015-16 campaign, Manning’s last, a […]
As heroes go in pop culture, it’s impossible to deny that Indiana Jones is a key figure of modern folklore. A favorite in the childhood of the founder Hilarity by Default (our partner site for this series) and many others who revere the archeologist turned swashbuckler (in his first three movies at least). In his […]
The superhero genre of films is something that has impacted the mainstream in a way that has dominated the entertainment landscape. This has given rise to the so-called “Nerd Culture” in a way that no one could have ever fathomed. With the movie “Iron Man” hitting the scene in 2008 as the tip of the […]
I’m not a live in the moment type of person when it comes to players in sports. Just because Aaron Rodgers leads an incredible comeback with a minute to play in Dallas, doesn’t mean I’m anointing him the greatest quarterback to ever play in the NFL. It just solidifies it! I’ve been saying for the […]